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Miniaturka MTV - Cute Relaxing Cat
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okejki 8 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
I feel good trochę inaczej
I feel good podczas jakiegoś show w Japonii. Naprawdę dobre wykonanie
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
The Owl Episode Two - The Sloth
The Owl CBBC. The Owl tries to dislodge a sloth which is sleeping in his tree. All rights to The Owl belong to CBBC. (4 302x oglądano na YT)
okejki 9 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Baby Squirrel - Back Scratch
You scratch my back or i pee on your hand (83 234x oglądano na YT)
okejki 11 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Co się stało temu kotowi?
Dziwna pozycja do spania.
okejki 770 · 69 390x · komentarze 191 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Cat does taxes
A man tries to help his cat with her taxes, with hilarious results! MORE SOON! Watch the first episode here: (640 521x oglądano na YT)
przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
The Power of Beer
This is a pretty funny clip sent in from Dan in New Jersey. Its about a guy who blows off a girl and her attempted revenge.
okejki 4 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Inappropriate Haricut Activities
This clips is great and I cant understand a single word. If anyone can translate this we would appreciate it.
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Getting The Guys Attention
Not a bad clip. The chick looks hot as she walks through a building lobby getting all the guys attention.
okejki 6 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Wife on Cell Phone
If you're married or have a girlfriend, I guarantee you will relate to this clip. Got to wait till the ending; I thought it was pretty funny.
okejki 5 · przed dinozaurami